Available Recordings

"A Rosenberg by Any Other Name: A History of Jewish Name Changing in America"

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Date: Thursday, January 14, 2021

Time: 07:00pm - 


~ Virtual Book Talk ~

Professor Kirsten Fermaglich (Michigan State University) discusses her book A Rosenberg By Any Other Name: A History of Jewish Name Changing in America (NYU Press, 2018).

FermaglichKirsten Fermaglich, a professor of history and Jewish studies at Michigan State University, is the author of A Rosenberg by Any Other Name (NYU Press, 2018), which won the 2019 Saul Viener Book Prize awarded by the American Jewish Historical Society. She is also the author of American Dreams and Nazi Nightmares and coeditor of the Norton Critical Edition of Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique.

Recording of the Discussion


The Jewish Standard, January 6, 2021 - "What’s in a name?" - Scholar will talk about Roses and Rosenbergs for Rutgers