They Were My Neighbors:
Jewish Survivors and Their Rescuers in the Holocaust
Douglas Greenberg , Professor of History
Executive Dean, School of Arts & Sciences, Rutgers
November 20, 2008
Busch Campus Center
605 Bartholomew Road, Piscataway
In Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of Kristallnacht
In pre-war Europe, many Jews lived side by side with Gentile neighbors. Once the inexorable march of the Nazi terror began these neighborly relationship were put to the test. In some cases, the viciousness of the criminals was matched by the heroism of men and women who, with nothing to gain, saved the Jewish neighbors from transportation and death. In others, such valor was all too rare.
In the memory of survivors, the details of these experiences acquire poignant and profound meaning. How neighbors treated one another in these most extreme circumstances reveals much both about their particular communities and about the moral underpinnings of heroic acts in times of violence. This lecture analyzes these underlying moral questions, as well as the historical issues that prompt them and includes video of Holocaust survivors describing the experience and meaning of rescue during the Shoah.
Please RSVP by November 10,