A Collaborative Project Sponsored by the Mason Gross School of the Arts, the School of Arts and Sciences, the Center for European Studies, the Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life, the Department of Jewish Studies, the Department of Music, the Department of History, and the Department of German, Russian, and East European Languages and Literatures.

This international symposium will present a new, broad overview of Sara Levy (1761–1854), a Jewish salonnière, patron, and performing musician who shaped the cultural ideals of her time. Levy overcame obstacles of religion and gender to transform Berlin’s artistic landscape, acting as a catalyst for the “Bach revival” of the 19th century. The symposium will include a salon-style recital, choral performance, and reading of an Enlightenment play as well as three academic sessions devoted to gender, early modern Prussian history, Jewish history, musicology, and aesthetics.

Monday, September 29, 2014; 7:30 pm
"In Sara Levy’s Salon"
Nicholas Music Center, 85 George Street, New Brunswick
A concert featuring music owned and played by Sara Levy, including works by J.S. Bach, C.P.E. Bach, W.F. Bach, J.N. Forkel, Frederick the Great, and their contemporaries. Entertaining and informative commentary will be offered by Christoph Wolff (Harvard University).

Rebecca Cypess, harpsichord and fortepiano; Steven Zohn, transverse flute; Frederick Urrey, tenor; Yi-heng Yang, fortepiano; Dongmyung Ahn, viola.

Open reception following the concert.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014; 8:30 AM - 5:00 pm

See schedule of events


duclos french concert
A salon scene in an engraving by Antoine Jean Duclos after a painting by Augustin de St.-Aubin. 1774. http://www.metmuseum.org/
Sara Levy
Anton Graff, portrait of one of the Itzig daughters (probably Sara). In Peter Wollny, “Ein förmlicher Sebastian und Philipp Emanuel Bach-Kultus”: Sara Levy und ihr musikalisches Wirken (Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 2010), 115. Reproduced from Otto Waser, Anton Graff von Winterthur. Bildnisse des Meisters (Leipzig, 1903). Courtesy of Chrisoph Wolff.