Events: 2020-2021

Writing the Life of Lucy S. Dawidowicz

From Left to Right.jpg

Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Time: 12:00pm - 


Join Professor Nancy Sinkoff for the launch of her
acclaimed new book, From Left to Right: Lucy S. Dawidowicz, the New York Intellectuals, and the Politics of Jewish History

Sinkoff 2019 sqSinkoff’s talk will draw from her book, the first comprehensive biography of Lucy Dawidowicz (1915–1990), a pioneer historian in the field now known as Holocaust studies.

The book chronicles Dawidowicz’s story as a window into twentieth-century Jewish life. Dawidowicz was “singed but not consumed by the fires of the Holocaust,” writes Sinkoff. Dawidowicz devoted her life to research on East European Jewish civilization and its destruction, believing that knowledge of the past could sustain postwar American Jewish life.

Recording of the Discussion

Dr. Sinkoff is the academic director of the Bildner Center and associate professor of Jewish studies and history at Rutgers. Her first book Out of the Shtetl: Making Jews Modern in the Polish Borderlands (2004) was recently reissued in digital form with a new preface.

Link to book review in The Wall Street Journal

"Sisters and Strangers: Hannah Arendt and Lucy S. Dawidowicz," Heritage (Winter 2014): 22-23.

On TLV1!  Listen to The Best and Worst of Both Worlds, May 25, 2020.

How Do We Honor an Anti-Feminist on International Women’s Day?” American Jewish Historical Society, March 2, 2020.